What is the Local Conversations Programme?
Local Conversations in Kirkley (Supported by Community Action Suffolk) is a People’s Health Trust initiative which involves supporting residents to develop a shared vision for their community and take local action on issues that matter to them.
How are we funded?
Funded by People’s Health Trust using money raised by Health Lottery East.
Who are our funders?
People's Health Trust is an independent charity investing in local neighbourhoods to help create a society without health inequalities. It works closely with each of the regional and country lotteries raising money through The Health Lottery, and distributes grants. www.peopleshealthtrust.org.uk
Aims of the Local Conversations Projects
Provide opportunities for projects to be designed and directed by local people and participants.
Create stronger connections between people living in Kirkley.
Enable people to make their communities even better places to live, to encourage social connections and activities.
Improve the wellbeing of local people.
Support local solutions to meet local needs.
Promote community cohesion.
Develop a sustainable and supportive community.
Our 3 priorities are:
Enhancing the Environment, Training & Education, Activities & Events!
So far we have...
provided a free space for community groups to meet, held numerous community activities including cake decorating, photography club, bring & swap, litter picks, bulb planting at Fen Park and distributing over £40,000 to local community groups supporting residents.
Community Events
Bringing the community together by organising local events in Kirkley!
Communtiy Support
Helping to support our Community through community grants in Kirkley!
Local Conversation
Engaging with & listening to what our residents want in Kirkley!